Stormwater Management Services

AD Environmental Services specializes in stormwater management and compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulations. Our experience and expertise includes all phases of stormwater management and compliance, from consulting and permitting, construction, repair and rehabilitation to routine maintenance and inspection services.Our clients are assured to achieve and maintain compliance with all Federal, State and local Clean Water Act (CWA) regulations and requirements.
Our Services
Here are some of the services our company can provide:
- Design of new systems and modification of existing systems
- Construction of all types of systems
- Installation and inspection of BMP’s for construction
- Major and minor repairs to existing systems
- Scheduled maintenance of surface and underground stormwater systems
- Vegetation management including eradication of nuisance and exotic species
- Pest control
- Aerator repair and installation
- Structure repair and installation including catch basins, inlets, outfalls, weirs and pipes
- Filter replacement
- Compliance assistance to address Notices of Violation